It’s Here

Nothing debugs addons faster then a raid gone wrong. Don’t you love the feeling of raiding on patch day only to find out your raid frames aren’t working? Or your target of target’s target has disappeared? Or you don’t know when to jump in the water to avoid spout?

When 2.2 came out, Curse got flooded and was inaccessible for a while. I had to turn to WoW Ace to finish patching up the few dated addons I had remaining. This time, I’ve got the Curse Client ready to go. It’s served me well for the most part. It runs silently in the background and automatically updates addons when there are new versions on the site. You can either use that or WoW Ace updater (I think that’s what it’s called). They both essentially do the same thing. If you want to install a new addon from Curse, there’s a special link which prompts the Curse Client to install it for you without any intervention on your part.

Happy patch day! Expect instance servers to be flooded with everyone flocking to ZA.

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