Gone for the Week and an Optimal Mana Regen Tool

future-post Hey readers, just wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be gone. As I’ve hinted recently, I have exams to study for. My last one will be on Friday the 12th. But don’t worry, I do keep a reserve of posts for rainy days so you guys will have something read during my absence.

It’s like I’m still here when I’m not really here!

I’d like to extend a special thanks to both Devon and Calogero for answering the bell when I put the word out for guest posts. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them as much as I have. Be nice in the comments!

I’m sure Syd and Wyn will also supplement my posts with some of theirs and I’m sure they know not to publish anything at the 6 AM server time slot because that’s when all these posts will go live over the next week.

But I want more!

Have you been visiting the Plus Heal forums recently? Posts are slowly cropping up about gear, quests, and handling raid bosses. Players are now getting back into the swing of things and there are a ton of active discussions going on and here’s but a small sample:

  • For the lore junkies, Zellea’s asked for some recommended readings
  • Shammymammy needs some help with the mother of all bosses, Patchwerk!
  • Sapphiron is serious business as sunsoar discovers. Would 4 healers work in 10 man? Join in on the discussion!
  • Turns out you can Hex mobs off of horses and drakes. I had no idea!
  • Zusterke likes to make my head spin by outlining the delicate balancing act of Spirit and Intellect!

Speaking of Zusterke, he’s released an online tool for us Spirit users! I won’t claim to be able to understand it but it looks impressive. I know Wyn was taken aback by it when I showed it to her.

I believe her reaction was “Squee!” and that’s a good sign.

I wish I could help out in some way, but I just don’t have the necessary skills :(. So I’m going to help in the only way I can do best which is by spreading the word!

He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m probably going to end up interviewing the guy at some point in the near future. It’s been a long time since I interviewed anyone at all, come to think of it.

So what does one ask theorycrafters?

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