WoW Insider: 30 If Statements Priests Adhere To

Talk about being uber late this week. I blame it on the technical difficulties! In any case, it’s up now.

EDIT: Oh yes, you’ll probably have noticed that I’ve made a grammatical error. It’s intentional. Because at the end of the year, if you add up all the extraneous words you’ll find a secret message.

Or I’m yanking your chain. Up to you guys to decide which is which.

6 thoughts on “WoW Insider: 30 If Statements Priests Adhere To”

  1. Matt….

    as both a faithful reader and a grammatical fascist….

    I’m just not sure I can reconcile this error for the sake of an in-joke.

    I’m just not sure.

  2. Wynthea: Well then, it’s up to you to determine which is more important – staying as faithful a reader or blissfully ignoring the future errors that I will make!

  3. Can’t ignore, really… (Mom is an English teacher. It’s genetically hard-wired into my brain.)

    I’ll resist the urge to mark all over my monitor with a red pen, however, and I’ll happily give you a mulligan, since you do so much to make my day at work bearable. 🙂


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