Matt vs Monique: Confessions from a Current ‘Core Raider

A few days ago, Monique of Girls Don’t Game wrote a great piece detailing her illustrious history and experience in Death and Taxes. While there’s no way I’d be able to match up to her story, I do feel that I can share with you a few key points in my WoW career that shaped my path in a way that won’t come to an end like hers.

Casual times, hardcore philosophies

As a student that wants to succeed in school, I knew that I had to find myself a guild that raided often enough to get my money’s worth but didn’t raid enough so that I wouldn’t get left behind. A lot of guilds rate their ‘coreness’ by the amount of time they invest in raiding.

I didn’t want a Guild that would go from 6 PM – 12 AM. There’s no way I can sustain those kinds of hours. I wanted a Guild that had reasonable raid hours. I wanted one that wasn’t going to do more than 15 hours a week, tops.

At the same time, I wanted an organization didn’t slack off, that didn’t take a casual outlook on progression, and wanted to excel. I found such a Guild in Carnage. They share the same mindset. We all strive to be the best that we can possibly be.

If it weren’t for the fact that we raid such limited hours on a weekly basis, I have no doubt that we would be in Sunwell right now.

Lesson: The game can be addicting but only if you allow it. I was able to set limits on myself.

Blizzards Intervention

Monique’s story about the world dragons are something to be remembered. They could spawn at any time and players had to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. I’ve never been able to kill one. I’ve tried them several times but the group I was with at the time was never good enough. My group had to bow out to other Guilds that were capable of doing them. They respectfully gave us a few attempts. Quite courteous.

Blizzard seemed to say enough was enough. World bosses don’t appear to be a priority for them anymore since there are only two in the expansion: Doomwalker and Kazzak. I suspect we might not see any in Wrath at all.

Lesson: They smartened up here. It’s as if they don’t want players to overextend themselves too much and drop what they’re doing to go after these world bosses.

Monique’s story is an extreme one. I know if I tried and let myself go, I could easily turn into a player who sleeps when the world wakes up. I used to do that before during the summer months just participating in epic DoTA games. Sometimes I yearn to just go and do it. With 3 high level and well equipped healers, I’d have no problem getting into a progression Guild (especially with overpowered Resto Shamans in high demand). But I also recognize that doing so would conflict with my goals in the real world and it is not something I’m prepared to sacrifice just yet.

I love raiding! I love the thrill of killing bosses! It’s who I am and what I want to do. I may not be as hardcore as Monique once was, but I don’t fit in the average WoW player demographic. Because like Monique, I’m constantly pushing myself and constantly doing everything I can to become better within reason.

4 thoughts on “Matt vs Monique: Confessions from a Current ‘Core Raider”

  1. Well-said, Matt.

    I frequently wish that I’d been smarter, but the way I see it, the game was really tailored to life altering play back in the day. The green dragons were needed for AQ40 since Nature Resistance was important, so we HAD to get them, or else we’d FAIL and you know how that story ends.

    Nowadays, Kazzak’s items are BoP! I mean, my god, if they’d only done that back then…

    It was really hard putting limits on myself back then. I’d always played the best in a game prior without much lost; I was amazing at Counter-strike, and at most, I put four hours a day into it. Probably more like two a day, even.

    WoW really blindsided me, and I’m glad to be out of that 12-14 months of DnT I had. Now that I’ve done that, and in coming back to TBC as a Druid before, I’ve broken the cycle. When I played my Resto Druid, I think I literaly played 3 hours a day doing BT/HYJAL clears. Even Sunwell progress was only 3-4 hours a day. It was so much more doable than our old six to seven hour 4H attempts ALL week 🙁

    Moniques last blog post..A Happy Ending: Metal Gear Solid 4

  2. I did raid Sunwell up until 3 weeks ago. I deactivated my dr00d then. Killed M’uru, stopped at Kil’Jaeden progress D:

    Moniques last blog post..A Happy Ending: Metal Gear Solid 4


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