“Matt, heal me! Why are you running?”

Oh, it just brings tears to my eyes when I anticipate hearing those phrases again. To level with me is a most unique experience. You can ask Wyn that. You can ask any of my friends that. You see, I have this knack for simply attracting mobs. Whether I move or whether I don’t, I am a virtual magnet for them. I’ll try to slip between 2 mobs breathing a sigh of relief when I’m almost through only to find to my surprise that I end up getting both of them.

Sometimes I’ll panic and run if I think the situation’s a lost cause. Usually I’ll stay and fight. Until I realize I’m fresh out of gas (and mana). As a frequent multi tasker, sometimes my attention won’t be focused on the mob or the task at hand. I usually need a “gentle” reminder of this from time to time.

Aurik and Sephrenia want to issue a gentle reminder to tanks and DPSers that if you’re going to level with them, they understand and know that you will need heals. Because if you don’t get heals, you die. And if you die, they die. Ergo, it is in their best interest to heal you.

But if you’re rolling with me, remind me that you’re pulling so I can switch back into the game and watch you. Great raid healer. Not the best grinding healer.

While I don’t like hearing the phrase heal me in raids, I’ll frequently issue the instructions for extra heals on a player if the situation calls for it (damage debuff, impending big hit, healing reduction debuff).

5 thoughts on ““Matt, heal me! Why are you running?””

  1. One of us needs to do a blog post recounting the “Stop running incident”. We all from your vent server could probably write a composite massive blog post with retrospective stories on leveling in vanilla and expansion. In any event, It’d be something to do while I’m stuck waiting for Wednesday to be over.

    Good luck to all the readers for speedy and fun leveling in the expansion. And hope you get phat lootz too.

  2. What gets me, is the dps crying during the raid. “I’m low health, I’m half health, why aren’t you watching me first? You can’t survive without me!”.

    Seriously… if you need heals, you’ll get them. We aren’t blind!

  3. Ya know, I gotta say that to people in my guild. It’s never been a problem but for some reason on the last few raids it’s been…ick.

    We’ll get to you. We’ll get to everybody. We promise.

  4. I couldn’t have been more happy to have rolled a Night Elf to be honest. I noticed first in Black Temple how handy my new in combat Shadowmeld was, and I have since put it in a very reachable spot for any encounter I face. Just yesterday I was doing dailies with a Pally friend of mine, before we could engage Northrend, and we were up at the the Throne of Kiljaeden. Doom lord Kazzak had respawned so we needed to be careful.

    Of course the Pally ninja pulls him and starts to run away, laughing that he can bubble. So I shadowmeld, Kazzak and his companions run past me and my pally friends bubble wears out before his HS is cast. Kazzak just takes up his spot again and I can continue on my merry way. I LOVE shadowmeld 😀


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